
The Manifesto for Youth Partnership is the product of discussions between the old and the young in West Yorkshire during the Covid-19 lockdown days. This has been led by the Bradford and Shipley Trades Council  who are the main sponsor and who have adopted the Manifesto as the main focus of their work.

What exactly is The Manifesto for Youth Partnership?

The Partnership is a network of people who are committed to sharing the Manifesto far and wide.

These pages simply support the Partnership.

The Partnership is not an organisation with a leader, it is an organisation with a set of ideas and actions, which you, as a member, support and own.

It is up to every member of the network to grow and support it.

You, with your fellow members, will become the Manifesto for Youth Partnership. Together we can win support for the Manifesto across the nation and together make it real.


By organising activities and taking action which supports the Manifesto you will make it YOUR organisation and help to make the Manifesto demands happen.

Practical Actions

Sign up to the Manifesto and become a Partner.

Win support for the Manifesto by sharing it as widely as possible locally and nationally.

You can:

  • talk with your family and friends about what needs to change and why,
  • use the logos to make window stickers, 
  • make badges and posters, which show the Manifesto demands,
  • lobby your councillors and MPs,
  • ask local businesses and community organisations to sign up to the Manifesto,
  • use Social Media to raise awareness of and encourage people to join in,
  • get your school council and students’ union to support it,

ALL these sorts of activities will help us to win the support of the Government and make the Manifesto for Youth a reality.

There is no limit to the people and organisations whose support is welcome.


E-mail in (add a hyperlink) with what you are doing with the Manifesto and it will be put into the news letter (add a hyperlink to this section) where everyone can share ideas for action.

Doing More…..

Volunteer with your time and skills to become the Partnership central team with your ideas and support of all kinds. Get in touch here.

Financial support is welcome so that we can employ workers to make us into a really professional organisation with delivery in its sights. Let us know if you wish to make a financial contribution. Contact us please.
The Manifesto for Youth is for all ages and persuasions.  
Sign up,and join in to make the Manifesto for Youth a reality. Together we can make it happen!!